The Grand Knight (like a CEO) is responsible for the overall welfare of the Council. He presides over all Council meetings, and shall enforce the rules and regulations of the Order.  In the absence of the Chaplain he fulfills that role. He also acts as chairman of the board of trustees.  He is an ex-officio member of all committees, appoints both a membership and programming director, convenes officers for a monthly meeting, and ensures all necessary reports are submitted to the State and Supreme Council.

The Grand Knight must also be aware of the Council’s financial status and ensure that his signature appears on all checks drawn and countersigns all orders drawn and signed by the financial secretary.  He shall also insure all demands of Supreme or State council are met.

The Grand Knight is a member of the Advisory Board.

He must make known to the council all communications regarding the business of the council.  He will read and dispense all pertinent correspondence from the fourth Degree.  When seeking guidance on any point of contention, he shall seek the advice of the Trustees, Past Grand Knights and the serving Advocate as well as State and Supreme Officers as warrants their attention.

He must train the Membership Chairman and the Program Chairman so that the Council will flourish under his leadership.  He is entitled to wear the rank of Past Grand Knight upon his retirement and be addressed as Worthy Past Grand Knight.


The Deputy Grand Knight shall preside and execute all duties of the Grand Knight at all Council meetings and functions in the absence or inability of the Grand Knight

-- in the absence of the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight, then the duty of presiding at  a meeting of the Council shall devolve on the other officers of the Council in the order in which they are named in Section 126 of the K of C constitution after the Deputy Grand Knight

-- shall perform all duties assigned by the Grand Knight

-- may be the Program Director (appointed by the GK.)

-- shall establish a comprehensive program of activities within the Council and ensures that an organization is in place for it's execution as per the Surge With Service and the Program Director's Handbook

-- in consultation with the Grand Knight selects Directors for the following portfolios: Church, Community, Council, Family and Youth/Seniors  (Note: selection should be effected in June)

-- shall conduct an Activity Directors meeting in August, prior to the scheduled executive meeting, and finalize the September to December Council Activities List for presentation at that Executive meeting.

-- shall identify all activity chairmen for the September to December Council activities by August, (Note: the urgent requirement for CARS ticket Chairman) and ensure that this commitment is repeated for the January to June activities by December


The Chancellor of the council shall assist the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight in the execution of their duties

--  shall take charge of the Council during the incapacity or extended absence of the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight

--  shall endeavour to strengthen the member's interest in Council activities

--  may be the Chairman of the Admissions Committee  (if so appointed)

--  may be the Membership Director  (appointed by the GK.) (refer to the duties of Membership Director)

--  shall actively promote Columbianism within the Council and Resurrection of Our Lord Parish


The Recorder shall record and maintain a true record of all Council meetings in the Recorder's Minute Book

-- shall be the Council's secretary concerning all administrative correspondence excluding  financial and membership matters

-- shall maintain a file of all administrative correspondence received and dispatched by the Council


The Treasurer of the council shall receive, only from the Financial Secretary, all monies coming into the Council

-- shall issue receipts to the Financial Secretary for all monies received

-- shall administer all banking requirements of the Council (Note a separate Bank account is required by State for Arthritis Raffle monies)

-- shall be the sole issuing authority of any monies for authorized expenditures

-- shall ensure that all warrants received from the Financial Secretary have been countersigned by the Grand Knight or the second signing authority and will retain the original copy of the  warrant in the appropriate file

-- shall liaise with the Financial Secretary regarding financial matters

-- shall issue payments to Supreme as directed by the Financial Secretary


The Advocate of the council shall be the legal advisor of the Council

-- shall be thoroughly familiar with the Laws of the Order as stated in the "Charter, Constitution and Laws" and with the Council by-laws

-- shall be familiar with "Robert's Rules of Order ", and with the Supreme flyer, "Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting"

--       shall assist the Grand Knight in maintaining Council meetings on track


The Warden of the council shall ensure that all members attending Council meetings and First Degree exemplifications held by the Council are current First Degree members and informs the Grand Knight of such

-- shall ensure that the Council chambers are properly set up for Council business and degree meetings

-- shall assist the Grand Knight in maintaining protocol and decorum at all meetings and First Degree ceremonials held by the Council

-- shall be responsible for all Council 13701 property with the exception of money and that which belongs to the Financial Secretary and Treasurer


The Inside and Outside Guards of the council shall attend the door of the Council chambers

-- shall verify that all members are in possession of a current membership card in good standing, and inform the Warden if there are First or Second Degree members present

-- shall ensure that all members in attendance sign in and inform the Warden of the total number in attendance

--       shall immediately inform the Warden that the Council's Chaplain, or a dignitary, or representative from another Council seeks admission


The Trustees of the council shall advise the Grand Knight on all aspects of the operation of the Council

-- Shall, in consultation with the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight, select a Chaplain and recommend the appointment of the Financial Secretary

-- The Trustees shall supervise the financial business of the Council

-- The Trustees shall advise the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer when required and ensure that proper bookkeeping practices are followed.

-- The Trustees, in conjunction with the Grand Knight, shall prepare a budget for the current Columbian year.  They shall also review and update this budget on an ongoing basis to reflect all motions regarding funds.

-- The Trustees shall review all proposed expenditures and requests for funding on a motion being presented. They shall recommend whether there are Council funds available or if funds must be raised for that purpose.  Their recommendation must be made public to the Council prior to any proposal being considered for a vote by the Council.

-- The Trustees shall review all requests for funding from external sources and make recommendations to the G.K. on action to be followed.

-- The Trustees shall review all  instances of  ‘Notice of Motion’ that are required for any expenditure of funds over $500.00 and advise the Grand Knight and the motion proposer of their recommendations before the meeting at which a vote will be taken.  Also, at this vote the trustees shall ensure that there is a two third's majority vote cast to pass any motion that originated as a Notice of Motion.

-- The Trustees shall conduct a semi-annual audit (January and July) of all financial books and statements kept by the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer.  They shall ensure that cheques are issued on time, and that funds for specific purposes are recorded correctly.  They shall present the findings of these audits to the Council at the next Council business meeting.

-- The Trustees, acting as a nominating committee, shall be responsible for ensuring that each of the positions for the proposed slate of Council Officers is filled.  This list shall be prepared for advice to the membership at the business meeting in May which precedes the June meeting at which the Council election is held.  This list shall also include the name of the proposer and of the seconder for each position.  Please note that this is a reference list only and that the nominations must be made from the floor at the June meeting with the nominee(s) must agree to let their name stand at that meeting and subsequently be seconded before any election to that office may take place.

-- Serving Trustees who do not run for election shall count the ballots at Council elections.

It has been the tradition in Council 13701; that  because of the need for  the Council to carry on  the traditions of the Council, and having someone knowledgeable and responsible to advise the G.K. and his executive, that the outgoing  Grand Knight or a Past Grand Knight run for this position.  Usually only one trustee position becomes vacant each year, and that position is for a three year term.  This trustee then moves up into the junior, then senior over his span of service.  These men have become known as; The Conscience of the Council

Duties of Council Directors

Program Director - Through his ‘Activity Directors,’ the program director's goal and responsibility is to direct the involvement and personal commitment of his council and its membership in a variety of programs which will establish his council as a respected representative of the Knights of Columbus in his community, as a truly  Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization.


Director of Church Activities - The council’s ‘director of church activities’ has the responsibility of organizing and promoting programs that will enable the membership of his council to respond to the constant call for the active participation of the membership of his council, and the Catholic laity in general, in the work of his parish and the Catholic church as well as the support of our Catholic clergy.


Director of Community Activities - The council’s ‘director of community activities’ has the duty and responsibility of working to make the council aware of its life within the community, and to develop programs that will be of service to the community.


Director of Council Activities - The ‘director of council activities’ should be concerned with the promotion of brotherhood through athletic, cultural and social programs. Additionally, he will be responsible for the development of public relations in, and for the council.


Director of Youth Activities - The council’s ‘director of youth activities’ has the duty and responsibility of providing the youth in the community with the means and the opportunity to become personally committed and involved in meeting the challenges of our times. He will also be responsible for the promotion of the Order's junior organization, the Columbian Squires.


Director of Family Life Activities - The council’s ‘director of family life’ has the duty and responsibility of promoting, organizing and carrying-out activities and programs within the Council that strengthen and support the family life of its members and recognize members for their work and dedication to the four  principles of our Order; Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.


Membership Director - The ‘membership director’ has supervision of a comprehensive program of recruitment and retention for his council.